Sunday, April 21, 2019

Coin Slots Part 2

In my last post I showed how I made the stock for the coin slots. The next step was to cut bevel along the top edge of both sides. I did this on the table saw and then sanded it to clean up the cut. Next I layed out the shape of each element.

With the layout done I first rough cut each element.

Instead of trying to cut the finished length and the angle, I instead used a mini belt sander to carefully sand them down to the finished shape.

To assemble the elements into a final part I cut a piece of luan to work as a backer. I initially marked off the position of each element but found that this wasn't the best way to assemble it accurately.

Instead I cut a series of small blocks that matched the distance between the elements. I glues in the first one and then use the blocks to get the correct spacing for the remainder.

Here is the finished coin slot assembly.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Coin Slots Part 1

To make the coin slots I started with a piece of wood cut to the correct width and height and long enough to cut all the slots from the single piece. Next I marked out the location of each of the slots.

I first tried cutting the slots individually using a router bit mounted in my drill press. Unfortunately, this technique didn’t work out well so I needed to find another approach.

Instead of trying to cut the slots individually I my router table to cut a slot all the way down the stock.

I then cut a piece of wood that was the thickness of the groove and glued pieces of it on either end of each slot.

Finally I sanded the top smooth and ended up with pretty clean slots.