Sunday, November 21, 2021

Front Logic Displays


The logic displays are composed of three parts, the PCB, a bevel that goes around the LEDs and a clear plastic window.

To attach the parts to the resin part I used pieces of threaded rod (actually cut off screws) that I glued into the resin part. 

Here is the resin part marked up for the holes. I carefully drilled these on the drill press. 

I used two-part epoxy to glue in the screws. To keep them aligned while drying I put them through a piece of wood with the same holes drilled in it and then put the PCB on top to assure the alignment was correct. 

I needed some spacers between the bezel and the PCB, but couldn't easily find something the correct size. Instead a got a styrene tube and cut off pieces of the appropriate length to make the spacers.