Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Read Door Frame

On the back of the frame I created a removable panel that allows access to the interior of the body.

Here is a pictures of the back of the frame where the door will go. I have seen two approaches to the power coupling that is at the bottom of the back. I have seen some people attach the power coupling to the frame and build the door around it. I decided to integrate the power coupling into the door.

Here are the frame components. I cut these using the same techniques as the rest of the frame which you can find in my earlier posts.

I wanted to be sure the door had a good fit to the frame so I first fit the uprights and clamped them in place.

I dry fit the top part of the frame and used some folded up paper to get proper clearance between the door and the body frame.

Hear I am fitting the lower rail into the frame.

Here are the rest of the components fit and temporarily clamped. I used folded pieces of paper again on the bottom to establish the proper clearance.

Once I was comfortable with the fit I took everything apart, glued it up and used a pneumatic staple gun to secure the parts.

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