A lot of the parts on R2 are a single color, but there are some that need two colors. One example is the angle cylinder. To paint this I started with a primer coat of white. I then roughly masked off the area that will be blue and then sprayed the silver parts. With the silver dry, I carefully masked off the silver, and then sprayed the blue.
I followed a similar process for the ankle details. These need the tab on the end to be blue and also the recessed rectangle. This required some careful masking.
The horseshoes need the inside edge painted silver, so this also required some careful masking.
The power coupling were the hardest part to paint. I started with white primer and then the silver, but it would have been really hard to mask off for the blue. I ended up painting the blue by hand. I sprayed a little of the paint into a plastic cup and then painted it on with a brush.