Once the two main layers of the skins are installed the next step is the detail panels. When cutting the top layer of the skins I made sure to number all the panels since the cut out pieces can be re-cut to make the detail panels. Here you can see some of the solid detail panels cut smaller to leave that narrow gap around the outside.

Some of the panels need to have the inside cut out with rounded corners are shown here.

To make these I started by cutting the panel to the correct outside dimensions. I then laid out the inside cut.

Next, I made a jig for my drill press that held the pieces in the right position to drill the rounded corners.

Here is the panel with all four corners drilled.

From there I used an X-acto knife and straight edge to make the straight cuts. I then used some sandpaper to clean up the cuts.

These were glued in place using liquid styrene cement and held in place with tape and strap clamps.