Friday, February 26, 2021

Resin Parts

I tried to make as many of the parts from scratch as I could, but there were just some that I didn’t think I could do a good version of. For these I turned to the web site Keith sells all the R2 greblies you can need. I got them pretty quickly, the quality was excellent and the price isn’t do bad. He has also recently started selling the R5-D4 dome greblies.

Here is a picture of the resin shoulder hubs. If you buy any of these parts be sure to read the instruction on the web site for how to work with them.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Side Vents

The side vents are the easiest of the body details.

On the left is the cutout of the front part. On the right is the back part. Since this part needs to be painted blue, I masked off the rough areas where it needs to be painted which will leave the parts in between unpainted making them easier to glue together.

Here are the painted parts with the masking removed ready to be glued together.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Pocket Vents

The pocket vents were built from styrene similar to how I built the coin returns. Here is the front face of the vent.

The vent openings need to have some thickness to them so I lined them with thicker strips of styrene.

To help with assembly I clamped the front face to a piece of plywood that had a curve cut in it that matches the curve of the body. This made it easier to glue on the pocket pieces

Here is a picture of the pocket glues in place.

Here is the almost complete part. There will need to be a piece across the back of the vents, but since that will be a different color I am not putting it on until I paint the parts.