Friday, July 17, 2020

Frame Assembly

Doing the final assembly of the frame is one of the tricky parts of building an R2. There are a lot of pieces that all have to go together at once because once the frame dries you will not be able to get certain pieces in unless you install them from the start. Here are some tips for assembling the frame:

- Dry fit everything first and make sure the fit is good.

- Be sure the outside edges of all the parts are flush with each other.

- Be sure all the parts are in the right place. I actually had two pieces in the wrong place. Fortunately I had posted a picture of it on the message board before I glued it up and someone spotted it.

- Mark the points where pieces connect together with numbers or letters so you know how they go back together.

- Practice doing the assembly a few times before you commit to gluing it.

There are also some good videos on the process: