The final operation I am going to do for now on the leg framework is to cut out the inside of the middle layer. There are two reasons to do this. First it reduces the weight of the let by a little bit. Second, if you plan to motorize the feet, it provides a place to run the wires. The cutout of the shoulder also provides some space for the leg mounting hardware.
On the 3/4” center layer I marked a line 1 1/4” in from the edge of the leg. It wasn’t necessary to follow all the contours of the edge, 1 1/4” provides enough clearance all the way around. The line goes right to the end of the foot leaving an open space to run wires if you want to.
Before making the cuts on the band saw I drilled some holes at key points to make if easier to turn the piece.
Here is the final piece temporarily pinned to the inside layer. This cutout will not be seen so the rough cut it not a problem.